Friday, August 14, 2009

The end... but beginning of others...

Well Well Its been 2 1/2 months since my DD has been born and I LOVE every milisecond of it!!! I will now conclude this blog in hopes that this will inspire or help someone who is pursuing a child. I have left with just a downside of having to pay $3k because of my retarded insurance, but its a very very small price for what I have gained! (hearts!!)

I will be starting other blogs on my lifes focus now, which are to grow healthy hair and nails and also weight loss.. Im soo excited about my next step in life!!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Moriah Vianna P. was born today at 10:21 am!! wooo hoooo!!! my baby is finally here!!!!! She was 6lb 15.6oz and 21 inches long!! it was a long labor about 20 hours long but only had to push for 20 minutes.. I didnt think that I was going to make it but I did!! I am so happy and greatful! She is truly a blessing to our whole family! I LOVE HER SOOO MUCH!!!!!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Nope, no baby yet!

Went to doc office yesterday.. did another stripping of membranes and this one hurt like crazy.. so we are going to make an appt. for my inducement for next thursday morning.. Im excited but I really wish that she will come on now! UGH!

Sunday, May 31, 2009

6 more days to go and 3 visits to L&D

Been to L&D times within the last 3 weeks jus to be sent back home w/ no baby! booo!!! im soo ready for her to come.... castor oil of course didnt work.. guess she will just come on her own.. well she is due on Saturday and for some reason I dont think that she will make an early appearance.. she will be late, like her mommy! ugh.. guess u cant rush a good thing! : )

Thursday, May 28, 2009


I am extremly tired! I almost didnt make it into work today. My body is so exhausted which I know apart of this is sleep exhaustion! UGh! I feel terible!! Keep getting asked why Im still at work.. Uhhhhh... maybe b/c the baby is still in my stomach! AHHHHHH!!! That has to be the most annoyingest question!!!! Im just ready to be a mommy and be at home for a couple of weeks! I think im going to give the good ol castor oil one more good try on Saturday night.. hopefully it will work something out! Geez!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

No Induction yet :( Got membranes stripped :)

So my doc told me that she didnt feel comfortable in giving me an induction just yet b/c I hadnt dialated anymore and she is afraid that my body is still not ready for labor.. and it may end up in a c-section.. Which I may be a little naiive but I dont mind.. But she says that she can not do it if the risks are too high to get a c-section.. which I understand.. at this point im just sooo tired and ready to give birth and see and hold my little baby! It feels good to releive my feelings in this blog b/c It kind of gets it out of my system. Well on the bright side I only have 10 days left WOO HOO!!!! So I feel that she may be coming before then anyways.. Doc said to come to last appointment on Tuesday (if no baby yet) and we will see if the stripping of membranes worked (which she did in the office) and if it did then she will have the induction date posted asap for me. If not then we will have to wait until after the due date and do the induction on the following Thursday! UGH!!! I really hope there is progress.. so I am going to walk tonight to make sure that we do what we can to bring it on!!!! lol!!

Lost some more of my mucus plug this morning.. this time it was a brownish tint that came along w/ it.. which I guess its from the doc stripping my membranes.. nothing other than light cramping since though.. nothing major.. I wish baby M would come soon.. Please God make sure that she is healthy but bring her to me soon... I have like no energy left! :)

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Only time will tell......

So another trip to L&D.. total of two trips and still no baby M.. Ive been having contractions but still no more dialation passed 2cm.. its just all so frustrating.. So I saw my doctor yesterday, and she promised that if no baby by the 39th week that she will induce early.. I was soooo happy to hear this b/c I am ready.. so that means that I have a week and a couple of days to have the baby! YAY!!! I was sooo happy to hear this.. DH was too! :D
So hopefully at my 38 wk appt on the 26th we can schedule the induction date.. Im sooo thrilled!!